Sunday, January 2, 2011

I took this picture in Culpeper County, Virginia on New Year's weekend.
I like geese.

This zoon didn't work too well, my hands are not as steady as they used to be...but I like the reflection of the gi-normous house on the ice!


Anonymous said...

Thats a lot of geese. The reflection is very nice.

terricreates said...

Looks like there were a lot of them. Does your camera have VR vibration reduction? Sometimes the little bit it handles is just enough. My Canon has it as does my Nikon. Which camera are you using?

Anonymous said...

I do too but still find the ads overpowering.

Anonymous said...

I love that second image too...that reflection is incredible...I love that goose sitting on the very top point of the house!

Christina, Sweden said...

the reflection of the house really did the photo

B said...

I have a tripod but I will have to remember to carry it with me this year--I am definitely going to keep these colors in mind, I find them very serene!

~Val said...

Very cool reflection! The geese look like they are on the roof!

Anonymous said...

What a great shot with so many interesting things to see. I also love the reflection of the house!

Anonymous said...

I like the arrow like reflection of the house in the water. Adds additional interest.